Rules of Play - Uxbridge

Rules of play & Terms and conditions

Oasis Play ltd do not accept any liability for injury sustained by children whilst on the premises.

The Oasis play staff are there to help maximize your children’s enjoyment. They are not however in any way a replacement for parental/guardian supervision. Parents/guardians should note that whilst every consideration has been given for the safety of children and accompanying adults using the play area, Oasis play cannot be held responsible for accidents which occur as a result of any child/adult using the play area.

  • All children must be accompanied by a responsible adult, over the age of 18.
  • Children may only use the play area facility when always supervised by a responsible adult.
  • Children always remain the responsibility of the accompanying parent/guardian.
  • Parents/Guardians must accept full responsibility to always supervise their children and observe their children to ensure that they are capable of using the equipment safely.
  • It is the parents/guardian’s responsibility to ensure that their children understand the rules of play.
  • Oasis play reserves the right to close any part of the play area during trading hours for any reason without notice of compensation.
  • Management reserves the right to refuse entry.
  • No shoes to worn in the soft play.
  • All children must wear socks and suitable clothing.
  • No food or drink in soft play area.
  • Balls or other objects must not be thrown about any time or anywhere in the building.
  • Oasis Play does not take responsibility for any personal belongings. for any loss or theft that may occur.
  • Outside food and drink is not permitted.
  • It is forbidden to climb the netting of play structure.
  • Children must not climb or play in front of slide.
  • Fighting ,bullying, abusive  aggressive, or any other type of behaviour deemed to be unsuitable towards Oasis Play staff, Management or other member of the public from either children or adults, will not be tolerated under any circumstances. Management reserves the right to enforce a total ban if necessary.